Upwork Mastery Guide
Upwork is a great starter for beginner freelancers trying to monetize their skill online
There are many platforms for freelancers to earn money, but Upwork is by far the easiest…and has the most opportunities for beginners.
Upwork is how you gain confidence in your craft. Build connections with business owners. Get clients for your agency. And kickstart your online income journey.
I tried many online businesses before I started writing....
I sold sportswear and shoes on Instagram. I tried to grow and sell Instagram accounts. I tried in print on demand
But writing on Upwork was by far the most convenient.
I remember when I got my first agency gig for an SEO agency through Upwork. I got so much work that I had to hire other freelancers to work under me. This was how my mini-agency was born.
Through Upwork, I made my first $100, $1000, $2000, $4000, and now the app says I’ve earned $40,000 after 24 months of consistently applying my strategies.
Here’s a link to my profile, so you can see for yourself
From the clients I’ve taken outside Upwork, I’ve probably made double that amount.
I have a friend who I introduced to Upwork. I showed him all my strategies. And after 6 months, he had made $10k+ already.
Let me add: He doesn't have a skill. All he does is apply for jobs and outsource them to other freelancers for a cut.
This was someone who had never even made up to $500 on his own. He was still collecting a monthly allowance from his parents before he started Upwork.
Months later, he told me how he now sends his Mum and his sister money every month.
It just shows how life-changing Upwork can be.
And this is another good thing about Upwork: You don’t have to do the jobs yourself.
You can hire freelancers at cheaper rates from platforms I’ll show you in the guide. And pay them a cut...making Upwork a passive income stream for you.
Every day, businesses spring up.
And these businesses need media attention. They need marketing. They need sales. They need branding.
And this is where you come in.
Whether you’re skilled at
- Landing page building
- Facebook Ads
- Sales pages
- Funnel Creation
- Email Marketing
- Virtual Assistance
- Data Entry
- Youtube Scriptwriting
- Website Copywriting
- Web Design
- Graphic Design
- Academic writing
- Video Editing
- Animation
- Product photography
- Product design
You have millions of opportunities on Upwork. It’s just up to you to grab them.
Many freelancers know this, which is why everyone is running to Upwork.
And this is where the: Upwork is saturated excuse comes in. But Upwork is only saturated because it works…
And this is where I come in...
I don’t apply for jobs on Upwork anymore because of the number of work I have on my plate.
Plus, I don’t even handle most of them. My team handles them while I focus on building my personal brand.
But my strategies to get clients still work.
And that’s why I created this guide.
It took me months to get a $20 gig and another 6-9 months to perfect my strategies and make the 20k+ you see on my profile.
I got scammed, lost my Top Rated Badge, worked for clients that underpaid me—worked with clients who didn’t pay my balance—worked with clients who threatened to report me.
As good as Upwork is for beginners, if you’re not careful, you’ll be scammed.
This is what I want to help you avoid in this guide.
So, with what I teach you,
- You’ll earn money faster on Upwork,
- Avoid getting scammed
- Avoid clients who will waste your time
- Learn the suitable proposals to use
- How to outsource your work
- Learn to spot the right clients to focus on
- And the tricks to stand out on Upwork
There are many freelancers on the platform, but just a few of them understand the platform and get the most work.
And irrespective of location, you can still be among the top earners.
- Your profile description
- Your portfolio
- The quality of your service.
- Most importantly, the right strategies to apply for jobs.
No matter where you are in the world, you can earn
There’s a common misconception people have about Upwork. They think you have to be in the US, UK, or Canada to make money.
Trust me, this is wrong.
I’ve heard stories of freelancers from Nigeria getting to $10k in less than 9 months.
I once heard a story of a freelancer in Nigeria who was given a Macbook Air by a US client for joining their team.
There are many stories of Indians who helped their family get out of poverty thanks to this same "saturated" Upwork.
So, location or its saturation shouldn’t be your problem.
The only caveat of being from Africa, Pakistan, India, or any third-world country is you have to be convincing enough and consistently produce high-quality work.
This is what I’m going to teach you in this guide.
But before we go on, here are some jobs I got from Upwork (with most of them still paying me outside Upwork)
All you need to change your life with Upwork is just 3 months of consistently applying my strategies.
And the funny thing is, you might even get there sooner.
And if these strategies don’t work after 90 days, you get your money back.
I wish I could give you this guide for free but see this $40 as a seed.
Nobody values free things.
If it were free, you wouldn't be motivated to complete this course. Or even leverage the strategies in the long haul.
But when you’ve invested money into something, you’ll do everything to make your money back.
I’m invested in helping take you to a new level financially.
Whether this is a side gig for you or a full-time gig. An extra $2000-$4000 monthly is always great.
Plus, if you want to do something bigger, Upwork is a great foundation to have, especially for building your portfolio.
Remember: Opportunities spring up every day. This is just another one that can change your financial future. But if you don’t jump on it and stick to it, another one will come.
And you’ll most likely doubt that one too. And after a year, you’ll still be in the same position.
Action is how you change your life
So, it’s up to you.
Do you want to stay the same or create a side income that will pay your bills, gand ive you the freedom to invest, travel, and escape the rat race?